Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/225

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Mr. M'Adam's assistance and advice, which has produced the excellent road mentioned by the Superintendent.

"The Road from Newbury, through Reading, to Twyford, has been so much improved, that the Mailcoach has been better enabled to keep its time than heretofore, and we are convinced that if the roads near London were improved in a similar manner, considerable advantages would be obtained to the correspondence in general, but particularly in places from ninety to one hundred miles distant."

In February, the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury received a representation from several noblemen and gentlemen, urging in very strong terms the claim of Mr. M'Adam to remuneration for the services he had rendered to the Public. This document, as well on account of the grounds upon which the remuneration is stated to have been merited, as also from its having been so numerously and respectively signed, well deserves the attention of the House. Mr. Harrison, by desire of their Lordships, transmitted this certificate with a letter to the Postmasters General; in which, amongst other observations, and alluding to the recommendation in favour of Mr. M'Adam before mentioned, he writes as follows:—"These testimo-