Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/228

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M'Adam's system. The following is a short extract from that Report: "The admirable state of repair into which the roads under Mr. M'Adam's system were brought attracted very general attention, and induced the commissioners of various districts to apply for his assistance or advice. The general testimony borne to his complete success wherever he has been employed, and the proof that his improvements have been attended with an actual reduction of expense, while they have afforded the most useful employment to the poor, induce your Committee to attach a high degree of importance to that which he has already accomplished. The imitations of his plans are rendered easy by their simplicity, and by the candour with which he has explained them, although ability in the surveyor to judge of their application must be understood as an essential requisite."

In session 1820, Mr. M'Adam presented a petition to Parliament, praying for the payment of his expenses, and such reward for his services as the House in its justice and wisdom should think fit to grant. This petition was referred for consideration to the Select Committee then sitting upon the state of the Highways,· who had the account of Mr. M'Adam's expenses up to 1814 submitted to them; and from which