Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/234

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and that by employing Mr. M'Adam to survey the roads in Lancashire the most beneficial results are likely to follow."

Having thus given a succinct and connected account of these different proceedings, and having taken into their consideration the whole of the correspondence which has passed previous to this inquiry between the Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury and the Postmasters General, together with the several Memorials presented at different periods to these departments by the Petitioner, with the documents accompanying them, and having considered Mr. M'Adam's statement of his case, and the proof adduced in support of it, which accompany this Report, your Committee are of opinion that Mr. M'Adam has, by means of great assiduity, skill, and many years personal labour, and at a considerable expense, out of his private property, introduced into very extensive practice a system of repairing, making and managing the turnpike roads and highways of the kingdom, from which the Public have derived most important and valuable advantages.

That in addition to the notoriety of the fact, that the improved condition of the public roads is in a great degree to be ascribed to the ability, zeal, and indefatigable exertions of Mr. M'Adam,