Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/239

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  • ther investigate nor entertain, being foreign to

the object of their inquiry; and no part of Mr Wingrove's statement appearing, in the opinion of your Committee, to affect the system of Mr. M'Adam, or impeach his claim to a remuneration for services performed, they feel it necessary only to present his evidence without further remark.

In like manner, and with the same observation, they may dismiss the petition of Mr. Lester, between the comparative merit of whose literary productions with those of Mr. M'Adam, and whether Mr. M'Adam has "infringed upon his "literary property," your Committee are not called upon to determine; nor is it within their province to pronounce an opinion upon the degree of merit belonging to Mr. Lester for the construction of the various models of machines exhibited to your Committee, and alleged by Mr. Lester to be applicable to, and useful for, the improvement of roads.

In conclusion, your Committee desire to state it as their opinion, that the value of Mr. M'Adam's system, and consequently of his services, by no means appears to its full extent upon the roads under the immediate management of himself, or of his sons; but that the effect produced upon a considerable portion of