Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/48

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be found, if carefully examined into, much beyond the general belief. Government have procured information, as to the sum raised annually for parish roads (generally denominated highways) but they have not yet enquired into the amount of the much greater sum raised for the maintenance of the turnpike roads, nor into the amount of the debt incurred for the same purpose.

These funds, considerable as they are, continue to be expended, nominally, under the direction of Commissioners, but effectually and practically under the Surveyors, over whom the Commissioners have very uncertain means of useful controul; and there is no doubt, that much abuse exists in the expenditure, partly from ignorance, but much more from peculation and patronage very much misplaced.

Under such circumstances the protection of the funds would be promoted by the inspection and controul of a superior officer; and finally it might be desirable, that a report from each trust should be made to Parliament of the receipt and expenditure for the year.

That the funds provided by Parliament for the roads are either insufficient for the object, or that they are improvidently expended, is best proved by the numerous applications to