Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/50

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altering and amending obsolete, useless, and oppressive regulations; and for substituting others more consonant with the present state of society. This review is required by experience of the inadequacy of the present system, to the great object of forming the best and easiest communications through every part of the country, with a due regard to economy; and for preventing the increase of a debt, which has been allowed, in silence, to accumulate to an extent, that will hardly be credited when properly and accurately ascertained.

Many and important improvements have originated from the good sense and zeal of individual Commissioners, or from particular district meetings, the good effects of which have been confined to the place of origin; such improvements have also ceased to operate, on the death or removal of their authors, and have been thereby finally lost, for want of a general superintendance, which would have an interest in the improvement of the whole.

The defective state of the roads, independant of the unnecessary expence, is oppressive on agriculture, commerce, and manufactures, by the increase of the price of transport, by waste of the labour of cattle, and wear of carriages, as well as by causing much delay of time.