Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/88

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  • ence the latest and most perfect improvements

have been effected.

Your Committee consider that high praise is due to the superior science exhibited by Mr. Telford, in tracing and forming the new roads in North Wales; but they contented themselves with a general inquiry into his plans, aware that their merits would be particularly brought under the eye of the House in the Reports of the Committee on the Holyhead Roads.

The concurrent testimony of all the witnesses examined by your Committee establishes the fact that the general state of the turnpike roads in England and Wales is extremely defective, but at the same time proves that proper management is alone wanted to effect the most desirable reformation. It is not the least interesting result of the researches of your Committee, that the most improved system is demonstrated to be the most economical; that even the first effectual repair of a bad road may be accomplished with little, if any, increase of expenditure; and that its future preservation in good order will, under judicious management, be attended with a considerable annual saving to the public.

There is no point upon which a more decided coincidence of opinion exists amongst all those who profess what may now be called the science