Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/93

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be expected to spread with rapidity throughout the country, and to diffuse "those incalculable public and private advantages," which a former Committee anticipated from the accomplishment of this great national object.

Your Committee are deeply sensible of the consideration due to the persons whose property is invested in the funds of these Trusts, as well as to those who now act as Commissioners. They are perfectly aware of the jealousy with which the House may view any proposition for the creation of new offices of patronage and profit; and they do not disguise their conviction, that it will be found expedient to remunerate those efficient Commissioners who are expected to devote their time to the performance of active duties.

Your Committee however anticipate, that if the House shall approve the formation of a Board of Commissioners for this object, they will deem it proper to place at its head some persons of eminent station and character, as a security for the independence and respectability of its proceedings.

All these considerations certainly require cautious deliberation, and delicacy in arranging the plan; but your Committee feel confident that the wisdom and judgment of the House will