Page:Remarks on the Present System of Road Making (1823).djvu/98

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re-model and arrange what is sound and useful, will require the assistance of the best legal judgment. Your Committee however, after having thus availed themselves of the power granted by the house, of reporting the partial result of their investigations, will continue to make such inquiries, and to collect such materials, as may pave the way for the accomplishment of that important undertaking.

It will at once be seen, that they have confined themselves to one branch of the work committed to them, having conceived it to be more judicious not to distract their own attention and that of the House by too many subjects of inquiry, but to pursue that which they first undertook to a practical result.

Should the House adopt their recommendation of renewing the Committee in another session, the subject of the Highways will naturally engage their attention as soon as they shall have fully matured the plan for amending the laws relating to the Turnpike Roads.

25th June, 1819.