Page:Remedy by State Interposition, or Nullification.djvu/25

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896 342 8 ^r«uii-. ■ ■• PfHk

<rutli,tbat South Garolina, after hsvinp foir eleven y«aM, c9«tl«ueJ t>i yrctR&tanrl : —fi -nr'- to, is" * '■■' '" 'l^*' nttenn*' to p.. ■«. rv, let' viohued 1 ?; !s ? (s.heto LIBRPRY OF CONGRESS insult ami wrong, tor tf s 1 111:11 iiiiiiiiiimuhi deed fonip to pnss, that he lently and jlavixliiy eiilimit which a ri'ck'pi* mKiuiit-. Caioliiia is «'ni"'-i a pa«i-i authorized and ui'.iimitwd Such is the di)ctriD»' of tyi tJiK S fates. But it may bes«id that the (tcUpaJion of Sotilh Carolina has be< j>ii«mperatr in their limjnaire ir, f>)iivri'*s Ibt-v havp h. en f,rM fiod adheriMJt in support of theironstifution Riid t^J-rtif* of thr lor.n- try, as they »hoiiid .r — hut not Jntf mpPfSte. Lft the spr'i h. aix! the iAn?iia*e be poii.t.d out. P;itrioti«m, liSte nntfer, should have "a pririlne'e ;" hut, in do case have wc uecn lanpUHg*' pf intemriprsnce ATOployed. Onp, among fh*- B^sniibly of (he " gn-y beaded men and graT'",'" we retneister to have heard, to ute the language of tbe first •f|K>eU, Ofniiddlo R^a one rising, eminpnf. in V ige deport, who spake of right snd wrong-— Of justice, and cf fr«>«doin, truih and peace, ». Slut we deyjy that Iji^ lnusiiage. was justly ItRole to the charge o( i.irpmppiaiue Ue spike iu the n«tiv»>"chiTa!ry of his noiil, in brhalf »f an outraged consliiution and an iujurfd poopl*-. He spakp fi« he- iume the rojiredputativf f>f au iini^p>*tideiit State — as Wrcamr e. man ?i.d an Amprii;an. Cut ^•■nmiriniioh*, h? nsarte nont-. He teas ncd ;

!,!d hi» mrum nt a'"' "e" hfc and vrgor t'> the vmy-r of constitili^

w ma. IdjRfty. H.- » it; tiie conrpiiH«tpd p<.;«-pr ot tiuih iind jus- ,;,--_ji^(l J.!! ti)e e«M)histry *f bJs antagoi^Jst was d>ssipat««f thin