Page:Reminisences of Captain Gronow.djvu/15

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Escape of Lavalette from Prison 138
Duelling in France in 1815 144
Pistol Shooting 157
The Faubourg St. Germain 160
The Salon des Etrangers in Paris 165
The Duchess de Bern at Mass at the Chapelle Royale 171
Lord Westmoreland 172
Alderman Wood 173
The Opera 174
Fanny Elssler ib.
Charles X. and Louis Philippe 175
Lord Thanet 177
Lord Granville, the British Ambassador ib.
Marshal Blucher 178
The Prussians in Paris 180
Jew Money-Lenders 182
Lord Alvanley 188
General Palmer 191
"Monk" Lewis 198
Sir Thomas Turton 201
George Smythe, the late Lord Strangford 203
The Hon. George Talbot 204
A Dinner at Sir James Bland Burges's, in Lower Brook Street, Autumn, 1815 207
Lord Byron 209
Shelley 213
Robert Southey, the Poet 216
Captain Hesse, formerly of the 18th Hussars 217
Visiting in the Country 220
Colonel Kelly and his Blacking 222