Page:Repertory of the Comedie Humaine.djvu/162

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DESROCHES, son of the two foregoing; born about 1795, reared strictly by a very harsh father. He went into Derville's office as fourth clerk in 1818, and on the following year passed to the second clerkship. He saw Colonel Chabert at Derville's. In 1821 or 1822 he purchased a lawyer's office with bare title on rue de Bethizy. He was shrewd and quick and therefore was not long in finding a clientele composed of litterateurs, artists, actresses, famous lorettes and elegant Bohemians. He was counsellor for Agathe and Joseph Bridau, and also gave excellent advice to Philippe Bridau who was setting out for Issoudun about 1822. (A Bachelor's Establishment, Colonel Chabert, A Start in Life) Desroches was advocate for Charles de Vandenesse, pleading against his brother Felix; for the Marquise d'Espard, seeking interdiction against her husband; and for the Secretary-General Chardin des Lupeaulx, with whom he counseled astutely. (A Woman of Thirty, The Commission in Lunacy, The Government Clerks) Lucien de Rubempre consulted Desroches about the seizure of the furniture of Coralie, his mistress, in 1822. (A Distinguished Provincial at Paris) Vautrin appreciated the attorney; he said that the latter would be able to "recover" the Rubempre property, to improve it and make it capable of yielding Lucien an income of thirty thousand francs, which would probably have allowed him to wed Clotilde de Grandlieu. (Scenes from a Courtesan's Life) In 1826 Desroches made a short-lived attempt to marry Malvina d'Aldrigger. (The Firm of Nucingen) About 1840 he related, at Mlle. Turquet's—Malaga's—home, then maintained by Cardot the notary, and in the presence of Bixiou, Lousteau and Nathan, who were invited by the tabellion, the tricks employed by Cerizet to obtain the face value of a note out of Maxime de Trailles. (A Man of Business) Indeed, Desroches was Cerizet's lawyer when the latter had a quarrel with Theodose de la Peyrade in 1840. He also looked after the interests of the contractor, Sauvaignou, at the same time. (The Middle Classes) Desroches' office was probably located for a time on rue de Buci. (A Bachelor's Establishment)