Page:Repertory of the Comedie Humaine.djvu/169

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enterprises of the Mignon house, and faithfully looked after the interests of Mme. and Mlle. Mignon during the protracted absence of the head of the family, who was suddenly ruined. Mignon came back from America a rich man, and he made Dumay share largely in his fortune. (Modeste Mignon)

DUMAY (Madame), nee Grummer, wife of the foregoing; a pretty little American woman who married Dumay while he was on a journey to America on behalf of his patron and friend Charles Mignon, during the Restoration. Having had the misfortune to lose several children at birth, and deprived of the hope of others, she became entirely devoted to the two Mignon girls. She as well as her husband was thoroughly attached to that family. (Modeste Mignon)

DUPETIT-MERE (Frederic), born at Paris in 1785 and died in 1827; dramatic author who enjoyed his brief hour of fame. Under the name of Frederic he constructed either singly, or in collaboration with Ducange, Rougemont, Brazier and others, a large number of melodramas, vaudevilles, and fantasies. In 1821 he was present with Ducange, Adele Dupuis and Mlle. Millot at a dinner at Braulard's, the head-claquer. (A Distinguished Provincial at Paris)

DUPLANTY (Abbe), vicar of Saint-Francois church at Paris; at Schmucke's request he administered extreme unction to the dying Pons, in April, 1845, who understood and appreciated his goodness. (Cousin Pons)

DUPLAY (Madame), wife of a carpenter of rue Honore at whose house Robespierre lived; a customer of the grocer Descoings, whom she denounced as a forestaller. This accusation led to the grocer's imprisonment and execution. (A Bachelor's Establishment)

DUPOTET, a sort of banker established at Croisic under the Restoration. He had on deposit the modest patrimony of Pierre Cambremer. (A Seaside Tragedy)

DUPUIS, notary of the Saint-Jacques quarter, time of Louis Philippe; affectedly pious; beadle of the parish. He kept the savings of a lot of servants. Theodose de la Peyrade, who