Page:Repertory of the Comedie Humaine.djvu/304

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of intellect, which preceded the death of Louis Lambert. (Louis Lambert, A Seaside Tragedy)

LEFEBVRE (Robert), well-known French painter of the First Empire. In 1806, at the expense of Laurence de Cinq-Cygne, he painted Michu's portrait. (The Gondreville Mystery) Among the many paintings executed by Robert Lefebvre is a portrait of Hulot d'Ervy dressed in the uniform of chief commissary of the Imperial Guard. This is dated 1810. (Cousin Betty)

LEGANES (Marquis de), Spanish grandee, married, father of two daughters, Clara and Mariquita, and of three sons, Juanito, Philippe and Manuel. He manifested a spirit of patriotism in the war carried on against the French during the Empire and died then under the most tragic circumstances, in which Mariquita was an unwilling abettor. The Marquis de Leganes died by the hand of his eldest son, who had been condemned to be his executioner. (El Verdugo)

LEGANES (Marquise de), wife of the preceding and condemned to die with the other members of the family by the hand of her eldest son. She spared him the necessity of doing this terrible deed of war by committing suicide. (El Verdugo)

LEGANES (Clara de), daughter of the preceding couple; also shared the condemnation of the Marquis de Leganes and died by the hand of Juanito. (El Verdugo)

LEGANES (Mariquita de), sister of the preceding, had rescued Major Victor Marchand of the French infantry from danger in 1808. In testimony of his gratitude he was able to obtain pardon for one member of the Leganes family, but with the horribly cruel provision that the one spared should become executioner of the rest of the family. (El Verdugo)

LEGANES (Juanito de), brother of the last-named, born in 1778. Small and of poor physique, of gentlemanly manners, yet proud and scornful, he was gifted with that delicacy of feeling which in olden times caused Spanish