Page:Repertory of the Comedie Humaine.djvu/311

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correspondent of the Royalists of Normandie under the Empire. He issued arms to them, received the surname of Confesseur, and, in 1809, was put to death with others as the result of a judgment rendered by Bourlac. (The Seamy Side of History)

LEVRAULT, enriched by the iron industry in Paris, died in 1813; former owner of the house in Nemours which came into the possession finally of Doctor Minoret, who lived there in 1815. (Ursule Mirouet)

LEVRAULT-CREMIERE, related to the preceding, an old miller, who became a Royalist under the Restoration; he was mayor of Nemours from 1829 to 1830, and was replaced after the Revolution of July by the notary, Cremiere-Dionis. (Ursule Mirouet)

LEVRAULT-LEVRAULT, eldest son, thus named to distinguish him from his numerous relatives of the same name; he was a butcher in Nemours in 1829, when Ursule Mirouet was undergoing persecution. (Ursule Mirouet)

LIAUTARD (Abbe), in the first years of the nineteenth century was at the head of an institution of learning in Paris; had among his pupils Godefroid, Madame de la Chanterie's lodger in 1836 and future Brother of Consolation. (The Seamy Side of History)

LINA (Duc de), an Italian, at Milan early in the century, one of the lovers of La Marana, the mother of Madame Diard. (The Miranas)

LINET (Jean-Baptiste-Robert, called Robert), member of the Legislature and of the Convention, born at Bernay in 1743, died at Paris in 1825; minister of finance under the Republic, weakened Antoine and the Poiret brothers by giving them severe work, although twenty-five years later they were still laboring in the Treasury. (The Government Clerks)

LISIEUX (Francois), called the Grand-Fils (grandson), a rebel of the department of Mayenne; chauffeur under the