Page:Repertory of the Comedie Humaine.djvu/443

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Ronquerolles." (The Imaginary Mistress, The Peasantry, Ursule Mirouet) M. de Ronquerolles was an intimate friend of the Marquis d'Aiglemont; they even addressed each other familiarly as thou instead of you. (A Woman of Thirty) He alone knew of Marsay's first love and the name of "Charlotte's" husband. (Another Study of Woman) In 1820 the Marquis de Ronquerolles, while at a ball at the Elysee-Bourbon, in the Duchesse de Berri's house, provoked Auguste de Maulincour, of whom Ferragus Bourignard had complained, to a duel. Also, as a result of his membership in the Thirteen, Ronquerolles, along with Marsay, helped General de Montriveau abduct the Duchesse de Langeais from the convent of bare-footed Carmelites, where she had taken refuge. (The Thirteen) In 1839 he was M. de Rhetore's second in a duel fought with Dorlange-Sallenauve, the sculptor, in connection with Marie Gaston. (The Member for Arcis)

ROSALIE, rosy-cheeked and buxom, waiting-maid to Madame de Merret at Vendome; then, after the death of her mistress, servant employed by Madame Lepas, tavern-keeper in that town. She finally told Horace Bianchon the drama of La Grande Breteche and the misfortunes of the Merrets. (La Grande Breteche)

ROSALIE, chambermaid to Madame Moreau at Presles in 1822. (A Start in Life)

ROSE, maid in the service of Armande-Louise-Marie de Chaulieu in 1823, at the time when this young lady, having left the Carmelites of Blois, came to live with her father on the Boulevard des Invalides in Paris. (Letters of Two Brides)

ROSINA, an Italian from Messina, wife of a Piedmont gentleman, who was captain in the French army under the Empire; mistress of her husband's colonel. She died with her lover near Beresina in 1812, her jealous husband having set fire to the hut which she and the colonel were occupying. (Another Study of Woman)