Page:Repertory of the Comedie Humaine.djvu/461

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in spite of his poverty; he loved Adelaide de Rouville, and the passion being reciprocated, he married her. (The Purse) Being associated with Pierre Grassou, he gave him excellent advice, which this indifferent artist was scarceley able to profit by. (Pierre Grassou) In 1822, the Comte de Serizy employed Schinner to decorate the chateau of Presles; Joseph Bridau, who was trying his hand, completed the master's work, and even, in a passing fit of levity, appropriated his name. (A Start in Life) Schinner was mentioned in the autobiographical novel of Albert Savarus, "L'Ambitieux par Amour." (Albert Savarus) He was the friend of Xavier Rabourdin. (The Government Clerks) He drew vignettes for the works of Canalis. (Modeste Mignon) To him we owe the remarkable ceilings of Adam Laginski's house situated on the rue de la Pepiniere. (The Imaginary Mistress) About 1845, Hippolyte Schinner lived not far from the rue de Berlin, near Leon de Lora, to whom he had been first instructor. (The Unconscious Humorists)

SCHINNER (Madame), wife of Hippolyte Schinner, born Adelaide Leseigneur de Rouville, daughter of the Baron and Baronne de Rouville, her father being a naval officer; lived during the Restoration in Paris with her mother, boarding at a house situated on the rue de Surene and belonging to Molineux. Bereft of her father, the future Madame Schinner would then have found it difficult to await the slow adjustment of her father's pension, had not their old friend, Admiral de Kergarouet, come in his unobtrusive way to the assistance of herself and her mother. About the same time she nursed their neighbor, Hippolyte Schinner, who was suffering from the effects of a fall, and conceived for him a love that was returned; the gift of a little embroidered purse on the part of the young woman brought about the marriage. (The Purse)

SCHMUCKE (Wilhelm), a German Catholic, and a man of great musical talent; open-hearted, absent-minded, kind, sincere, of simple manners, of gentle and upright bearing. Originally he was precentor to the Margrave of Anspach;