Page:Repertory of the Comedie Humaine.djvu/501

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Pierrette Lorrain; and overwhelmed the Rogron salon with her spirit of raillery. (Pierrette)

TISSOT (Pierre-Francois), born March 10, 1768, at Versailles, died April 7, 1854; general secretary of the Maintenance Commission in 1793, successor to Jacques Delille in the chair of Latin poetry in the College de France; a member of the Academy in 1833, and the author of many literary and historical works; under the Restoration he was managing editor of the "Pilote," a radical sheet that published a special edition of the daily news for the provinces, a few hours after the morning papers. Horace Bianchon, the house-surgeon, there learned of the death of Frederic-Michel Taillefer, who had been killed in a duel with Franchessini. (Father Goriot) In the reign of Louis Philippe, when Charles-Edouard Rusticoli de la Palferine's burning activity vainly sought an upward turn, Tissot, from the professor's chair, pleaded the cause of the rights and aspirations of youth that had been ignored and despised by the power surrendered into the hands of superannuated mossbacks. (A Prince of Bohemia)

TITO, a young and handsome Italian, in 1823, brought "la liberta e denaro" to the Prince and Princess Gandolphini, who were at that time impoverished outlaws, living in concealment at Gersau (canton of Lucerne) under the English name of Lovelace—"L'Ambitieux par Amour." (Albert Savarus)

TOBY, born in Ireland about 1807; also called Joby, and Paddy; during the Restoration, Beaudenord's "tiger" on the Quai Malaquais, Paris; a wonder of precocity in vice; acquired a sort of celebrity in exercise of his duties, a celebrity that was even reflected on Madame d'Aldrigger's future son-in-law. (The Firm of Nucingen) During Louis Philippe's reign, Toby was a servant in the household of the Duc Georges de Maufrigneuse on the rue Miromesnil. (The Secrets of a Princess)

TONNELET (Matire), a notary, and son-in-law of M. Gravier of Isere, whose intimate friend was Benassis, and who was