Page:Repertory of the Comedie Humaine.djvu/54

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She was the mistress of the police-officer Peyrade, by whom she had a daughter, Lydie, whom he acknowledged. The last home of Mlle. Beaumesnil was on rue de Tournon. It was there that she suffered the loss by theft of her valuable diamonds, through Charles Crochard, her real lover. This was at the beginning of the reign of Louis Philippe. (The Middle Classes, Scenes from a Courtesan's Life, A Second Home)

BEAUPIED, or Beau-Pied, an alias of Jean Falcon. (See that name.)

BEAUPRE (Fanny), an actress at the Theatre de la Porte-Saint-Martin, Paris, time of Charles X. Young and beautiful, in 1825, she made a name for herself in the role of marquise in a melodrama entitled "La Famille d'Anglade." At this time she had replaced Coralie, then dead, in the affections of Camusot the silk-merchant. It was at Fanny Beaupre's that Oscar Husson, one of the clerks of lawyer Desroches, lost in gaming the sum of five hundred francs belonging to his employer, and that he was discovered lying dead-drunk on a sofa by his uncle Cardot. (A Start in Life) In 1829 Fanny Beaupre, for a money consideration, posed as the best friend of the Duc d'Herouville. (Modeste Mignon) In 1842, after his liaison with Mme. de la Baudraye, Lousteau lived maritally with her. (The Muse of the Department) A frequent inmate of the mansion magnificently fitted up for Esther Gobseck by the Baron de Nucingen, she knew all the fast set of the years 1829 and 1830. (Scenes from a Courtesan's Life)

BEAUSEANT (Marquis and Comte de), the father and eldest brother of the Vicomte de Beauseant, husband of Claire de Bourgogne. (The Deserted Woman) In 1819, the marquis and the comte dwelt together in their house, rue Saint-Dominique, Paris. (Father Goriot) While the Revolution was on, the marquis had emigrated. The Abbe de Marolles had dealings with him. (An Episode under the Terror)