Page:Report On The Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Presidential Election.pdf/40

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U.S. Department of Justice

Attorney Work Product // May Contain Material Protected Under Fed. R. Crim. P. 6(e)

while posing as a grassroots group called "Black Matters US."[1] In February 2017, the persona "Black Fist" (purporting to want to teach African-Americans to protect themselves when contacted by law enforcement) hired a self-defense instructor in New York to offer classes sponsored by Black Fist. The IRA also recruited moderators of conservative social media groups to promote IRA-generated content,[2] as well as recruited individuals to perform political acts (such as walking around New York City dressed up as Santa Claus with a Trump mask).[3]

Harm to Ongoing Matter 
 [4] Harm to Ongoing Matter 
 [5] Harm to Ongoing Matter 

HOM  as the IRA's online audience became larger, the IRA tracked U.S. persons with whom they communicated and had successfully tasked (with tasks ranging from organizing rallies to taking pictures with certain political messages). Harm to Ongoing Matter 


  1. 3/11/16 Facebook Advertisement ID 6045078289928, 5/6/16 Facebook Advertisement ID 6051652423528, 10/26/16 Facebook Advertisement ID 6055238604687; 10/27/16 Facebook Message, ID Personal Privacy & ID 100011698576461 (Taylor Brooks).
  2. 8/19/16 Facebook Message, ID 100009922908461 (Matt Skiber) to ID PP 
  3. 12/8/16 Email, robot at to beingpatriotic at (confirming Craigslist advertisement).
  4. 8/18-19/16 Twitter DMs, @march_for_trump & PP 
  5. See, 11/1l-27/16 Facebook Messages, ID 100011698576461 (Taylor Brooks) & ID Personal Privacy (arranging to pay for plane tickets and for a bull horn).
  6. See, e.g., 9/10/16 Facebook Message, ID 100009922908461 (Matt Skiber) & IDPersonal Privacy  (discussing payment for rally supplies); 8/18/16 Twitter DM, @march_for_trump toPP (discussing payment for construction materials).
  7. Harm to Ongoing Matter