Page:Report of Bohemian Section to the Socialist Party National Convention, May 1912.djvu/2

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Report of Bohemian Section to the 1912 SPA Convention

Delnicke Listy (American Workingmen's News), to which they added in 1912 another weekly, Pravo (The Right). Both papers are printed in Cleveland in their own printing shop. This printing shop also has a job printing department.

In 1911 the Bohemian branch in New York, in cooperation with the Bohemian trade unions, started a weekly paper, Obrana (The Defense). In addition to papers, the Bohemian Section is publishing other literature—books, pamphlets, etc. During the year of 1911 the amount received for literature was more than $1,000.

All the papers are owned direct by the Section, and the Board of Directors of same is elected by referendum vote, only members in good standing having votes.

The Bohemian Section has seven woman branches—two in Chicago, two in Cleveland, one in Omaha, one in South Omaha, and one in Baltimore. In organizing women the Section has had to face some difficulties in regard to the dues question, as the women are complaining of high dues. The Bohemian Section is awaiting some reform in this question from the convention.

One of the features of the Bohemian Socialist movement is the organizing of gymnastic associations, where both boys and girls are active members. This organization of young people is a recruiting station for Bohemian branches. It takes care of children from six years up for physical development, and when they reach the age of 18 years they become party members. In this way the Bohemian Socialist movement lays a strong foundation for spreading Socialism among the youth. At present the gymnastic associations are in the following cities: Chicago, 6; Cleveland, 3; Dillonvale, O., 1; and North Braddock, Pa., 1. This organization was formed three years ago, and at present has about 1,000 members, both men and women.

Fraternally submitted,

Josef Novak

Edited by Tim Davenport.
Published by 1000 Flowers Publishing, Corvallis, OR, 2005. • Free reproduction permitted.