Page:Report of Joint Board on Interstate Highways.pdf/30

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May 15, 1925.

The following members of the Board were present:
Preston G. Peterson, Utah.
Roy A. Klein, Oregon.
R. M. Morton, California.
J. A. French, New Mexico.
E. W. James, B. P. R.

State Representatives were present by invitation as follows:
L. E. Laird, Wyoming.
W. C. LeFebre, Arizona
Geo. W.Borden, Nevada.

Letters and maps were submitted from the following States showing their selection of major interstate routes: Washington, Idaho, Montana, and Colorado. Seven States were thus represented in person and four by letter.

The meeting was held in the Board Room of the State department in the State Building at San Francisco.

The regular work of the meeting was carried on expeditiously and in entire harmony, and the selection of the major routes was done almost without any difference of opinion. All necessary adjustments on the major routes were at once made and the only feature of the work which will require serious review is the elimination of routes within the States of the group which were added after the interstate connections were practically agreed upon. There appeared to be a very strong tendency to add such additional routes and I made it clear to the meeting that I believed such additions should be considered tentative and subject to the review of the full Board at the next meeting.

No representatives of trails organizations or named routes asked to be heard at San Francisco and representatives of such organizations, whom I saw there, appeared to be very well satisfied that the work of the Board would be fairly done so far as the trails organizations are concerned. Representatives of the Automobile Association of California and of the Southern California Automobile Association were present, however, and after consultation with Mr. Morton and Mr. Toy it appeared advisable to allow