Page:Report of the Departmental Committee on Traffic Signs (1946).djvu/118

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  • Direction signs for through traffic, approach direction signs:
  • For by-pass roads, p. 39, para. 116; diagram 86.
  • Chequer panel on, p. 38, para. 113 (iii) and (iv); diagrams 80 and 81; p. 39, para. 115; diagram 85; p. 39, para. 116; diagram 86.
  • Coloured surround in towns, p. 40, para. 121.
  • For dual carriageways, Pp. 39, para. 117; diagrams 87, 88 and 89.
  • For holed junctions, p. 40, para. 118; diagram 90.;
  • Fork left (or right) at “ Y”’ junctions, p. 40, para. 119; diagram 91.
  • General description, p. 37, para. 109.
  • For ring roads, p. 39, para. 115; diagram 85.
  • For road junctions, p. 38, para. 113; diagrams 78 to 83.
  • For roundabouts, p. 39, para. 114; diagram 84.
  • Size of letters and numerals in place names and route numbers, p. 38, Para. 110.
  • Where space restricted, p. 40, para. 120; diagram 92.
  • Direction signs for through traffic :
    • Flag or pointer type signs for erection at junctions, p. 41, para. 122; diagrams 93 to 97
    • Information which system should give, p. 36, para. 106.
    • Place names alone not sufficient, p. 36, para. 106.
    • Route number system should be more widely known, p. 36, para. 107.
    • Use of route numbers on, p. 36, para. 106.
  • Disc, red:
    • On prohibitory signs, p. 27, para. 75; p. 31, para. 86.
    • Reflecting lenses on, p. 17, para. 26.
  • Distance between warning and informative signs and place to which they apply, p. 15, para. 22.
  • Diversion of traffic, temporary signs for, p. 20, para. 35.
  • “Double Bend,” warning signs for, p. 10, para. 13; p. 21, para. 41 ; diagrams 11, 12 and 13.
    • “Dual Carriageway Ahead,” informative sign, p. 44, para. 135 ; diagram 111.
    • “Dual Carriageway, Turn Left,” mandatory sign, p. 32, para. 94; diagrams 67 and 68.
  • Dual Carriageways:
    • Approach direction signs tor, p. 39, para. 117; diagrams 87, 88 and 89.
    • Regulation of traffic on, p. 19, para. 30; Appendix IV.
    • Sign-posting of, p. 19, para. 30.


  • Entrances to private premises:
    • Signs restricting use of access, para. 83.
    • Warning signs for, p. 26, para. 69.
  • Excavations in road:
    • Marking and lighting of, p. 18, para. 29; Appendix III.
    • Temporary alternating one-way traffic at, p. 19, para. 31.
    • Existing sign-posting system, p. 2, para. 2.
  • Existing signs, supersession of, p. 12, para. 15.
  • Evolution of existing sign-posting system, p. 8, para. 6.


  • “Ferry Stopped,” informative sign, p. 45, para. 140.
  • Filtering traffic :
    • Green arrow on traffic signals, p. 53, para. 169.
    • Lay-out of white lines for, p. 48, paras. 146 and 147; diagram 119.
  • Finger-post direction signs, p. 42, para. 124; diagram 101.
  • First-aid post, International sign for, p. 34, para. 102 (iii).
  • Flag type direction signs at junctions, p. 41, para. 122; diagrams 93 to 97.
  • Flashing beacons, p. 26, para. 71.
  • Flexible progressive systems of traffic signal control, p. 53, para. 171.
  • Fly-over junctions, approach direction signs for, p. 40, para. 118; diagram 90.
  • Footpaths, public, direction signs for, p. 42, para. 125; diagram 103.
  • Foot pavements, markings on, p. 52, para. 166.
  • Fords:
    • Depth gauges at, p. 24, para. 60.
    • Warning signs for, p. 24, para. 59; diagrams 37 and 38.


  • “Gate Across Road,” warning sign, p. 25, para. 63; diagram 41.
  • “Gates Closed” (at swing bridges), p. 24, para. 58; diagram 36.
  • General considerations affecting traffic signs, Section I, p. 8, paras. 6 to 15.
  • General Principles:
    • Agreed by International Conferences, p. 10, para. 13.
    • Applicable to all traffic signs, p. 9, para. 8
    • For mandatory signs, p. 34, para. 101.
    • For prohibitory signs, p. 31, para. 86.
    • For warning signs, p. 26, para. 72.
  • Geneva 1931 Conference, see “International Conferences.”
  • Geneva 1931 Convention, see “International Conferences.”
  • Geneva Red Cross, use of on traffic signs, p. 34, para. 102 (iii).
  • “Go” and “Stop” signs for temporary alternating one-way traffic, p. 33, para. 99; diagram 73.
  • Green arrow on traffic light signals, p. 53, para. 169.
  • Guard posts on refuges, dimensions and lighting of, p. 18, Para. 28; Appendix II.
  • Guarded level crossings, see “Level crossings.”