Page:Report of the Park Board 1903.djvu/53

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expense some day in raising all these buildings and filling the streets and private lands, as has been done repeatedly in similar instances by other cities. If enough of the right bank of the river is taken in connection with the suggested Sellwood Park, these two parks would mutually benefit by being located opposite to each other.


This pair of squares situated in the heart of the city are of the utmost value as giving distinction and character to a part of the city where important public and semi-public buildings may be grouped. It is difficult to over-estimate the gain to a building of imposing proportions and handsome architectural design due to a frontage on attractive public squares such as these. It is to be hoped that these squares may be completely surrounded, in time, by buildings worthy of such fine urban sites.


This little hill park (as might be expected in the case of a rectangular block of land on a steep and broken hill) is extremely unscientific in its boundaries. It crosses the ridge line, the slopes below which are so steep that it seems probable that a traffic roadway will have to be permitted to cross the park along the ridge, to afford reasonably convenient access to private properties. It may even prove that a second traffic roadway will prove to be necessary across the steep northern part of the park. North of the ridge line is a valley which quickly deepens into a little ravine. The spur east of it is outside of the park, but part of the crest of the spur west of the ravine is in the park. The west boundary should be altered to include more of this spur so there can be a view-commanding spur walk. The most desirable addition to this park, however, would be a strip to include the ravine down to the suggested reservoir park. Winding down this ravine there could be a charmingly secluded rustic path in the shade of the existing fir trees, which would not only greatly enhance the value of this park to the citizens generally and to those living within easy walking distance of it in the thickly built-up portion of the city north of it, but would afford to residents on the ridge a more delightful and decidedly more convenient means of walking down and up the hill than exists or is likely to be made in the vicinity.


This five-acre tract extends nearly three blocks up the hill from Macadam street. Besides having a rapid general slope its surface is