Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 3).djvu/23

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1593. ISA).

HEB, ib-IU.

1553. 1&3. 1367.

£557, 1552.

1587, use,

1582. LNTI.




Liste der cilierten Ascidien-Literatur.

BJrnKn‘. P.. A i‘l’ Aurb. 19071 .

B-mxrxm. K. Ascidiw simplirt-s :Iml Asrhlhr v'nmposilun 1816»7& v. V11. 2)

Hnrrmxw. R‘. Mnmw' lieu I|or Brvmer-pr. mwh Oslspilzhnrgen 1889. (Loni. Jam». Sys! \ xm

— Div Asculieu .h-r Arms [anm nrrlicn. v. Ill, 2].

Hmum, C. Div Cruslnceen. Pyrnngonideu uml Tunil'ulen dor fisl.-nng. Nnrdpol- Exp. (Denkwhr. Ak.-\Vien, v4 35‘.

Hmumn. \‘V. A.. Ih-lmrl on llw Tunivatn «If H. :VL S, ,Chnllengvr“ 1873—76, L «mp. Viv)" chunmgur, v. \‘n.

Km. J. ersigl um Norge~ As 1.593, tn,

szxum, A. On [he rcrem llwerlerlimir leunn of Labrador. Sun, v, I),

RINK, H.. Grénhm

S‘rmrsnm W.. Some remarks nf Aschlinni found in Muss. Soc" v‘ IV)‘

$wmmnvs. M. B., Tunicaler l'rfin Sihiriens ‘shni och Beringalufl. (Vega Exp‘ v. IV].

THAU>TED1, M. P‘ A., Uversigl over de fra Danmark ng novdl‘ Bilumle kjendte Ascidiae simplires. (Medd. Vid I’m-en. 1879—80)‘

- Vesiinrhske Ascidiee simp , l. (Medd. Vid. Foren. 1881—89).

VHHIHLI‘. A. E, Description of some imperfectly known and new Ascidinns from

New EnghunL (Am. Jonrm Sc. «V: Arls, st-r. Ill. v. 2)‘

5* HMO-0| [gt-flunan (Br-{gens Museum

(Nnrske andlL Exp.

dim simplires. (FOTIL Vid-Svlsk. Kristinnia

(M, anlan

iji‘vpungm [NnLTillmg geogr.ugslul Beskr. Grfiulund. \" 11L Bay u). Boston

— Mollnsl‘nn qum nr New England. (Am, Journ. Sr. J: Arts, say, I". v. 1H. r .Vlulluscoids. lBul. l', S. anL Mus"