Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 3).djvu/585

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[sec. arct. exp. fram. 1398—1902. No.31]

111M. Usrzsrnml as Paris“. 0. Plnnklunpmver frn Nord-Atlnnterhnvet (ca. 584!” n‘ Br.) snmlmln i [H99 nf dr. K. I. V. S'rain'smur. Kobenhavn 1901 [Meddelrlsvr um Grnnlnnd, XXVI).

I'Jlll. I’Al‘l.~m. Urn. Plunklon lnvvsliguliuus in “IE \valen mund Iceland in [933.

Kjoln-ulmvn 1904. (Meddolelser fr: Kommissionen for Hlvunder- sugllsvr. Ser. Plnnklon I, l).

Him. 4 Poridiniuln's. Kiel n. LPiplig 1908. (Nordisches Plankton XVIII]. Hier die Lilt-rnlnr nher l’cridineun.

Hill - Plnnklan Investigations in the waters round Iceland and in the North

Allnnlic in 19044 Kuhenhavn 1909. [Meddelelser fr: Knmmissionen I‘nr Huvlmdersngelser. Svr. Plankton. l. 8).

(Emlmckl ‘24. I-‘elmlur 19H,