Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 3).djvu/72

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189871902. No.1G.] I-‘LOVV. PLANTS AND FERNS OIs N.-W. GREENLAND. 13

According to HAVEs’s own Journal and his address- in the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, Dec. ti. lStlI, the expedition visited the following places enumerated in chronological order:

Proren . . . . . Danish Greenland Aug. 13712. 1860 Upernivik. . . . . 7 7 ,, 12716 ,, Tasiusak (Tessiussak) 7 7 t. 21722 ,, Cape York . . . . N. W. 7 “ if. ” Cape Alexander . . 7 7 H 30 ,, Littlelon Island . . 7 7 Sept. It 7. Port Foulke . . . . — 7 . 4

After wintering there, the following points were visited the next year (besides those only reached in sledging expeditions during the winter time):

Port Foulke. . . . . . . N. W. Grenlaml until July 14 1861 Littleton Island . . . . . 7 7 ,, 5—7 ., — 7 . . . . . — 7 ,, 147‘? ., Cairn Point . . . , r . i — 7 ,, ? ,, Cape Isabella r . . . . . Ellesmereland ? ,, Gale Point . . . . . . . 7 ? ,, anlnyt Island . . r . N. W. Greenland ? ,, Burdin Bay (Netlik) . . , — — ? (severalIlays,|iot.luly12) Itiplik (Ittihln?) . . . . . — — ? Upernivik . . . . . . 1 Danish 7 Aug. 147‘? 1861 Angpalartok (Aukpadlartok) . — 7 H ‘P ,, Godhavn . . . . . . . — —» Sept. 1

At the beginning of Septemher, the expedition was already for to the south, and consequently no plants could then be collected in N. \V. Greenland. There must, therefore, be something wrong aluout the indi- cation “Tcssiussak, Sept. 4th" but it is prohahly not the date only. DURAND says: Dr. HAYEs’s collections have lieeu contined to the limits of the 78th and 82nd parallels (Emmi. pl. Smith 5., p. 93], hut no col~ leclions are made north 01 Int. 79" and HAYES (Op. Pol. See, p. 55) speaks explicitly of his “Pi-oven and Upernivil; collections”, which al- ready contained all the plants he saw at “Tessiussak”. when he went botanizmgthere (Aug. 1860, see above). Those collections from the more southerly parts of Greenland have, in all probability, formed part of the material which DURAN!) has treated as having heen collected only north of Melville Bay, and thus an explanation may he found for the fact.