Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 3).djvu/79

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‘20 H G Slnllloxs. [5%. mar. Examlm Table l. N “ -°~ 3. a: _l Egg” :3 .~ . — _ 2- AS E 11nd: — I=:‘ E i '5: S? g E T. " ’s c _ = Z =IJZ¢ C—"' mum. 151ml . . , , . . . l . 3 9 ,0 111lpl:Ynll‘k . . l . , . l l . . . 12 27 n 3n lmgigmk . . l . . . . , . . 58 as \vnlslwulmlme50mm . , . . . . . 3t Snlmders lslnndlAgpal . an: tumult , l . . . . . . l . . 13 Jr Granville Buy. . l . . , l l l. 6 ‘ 0 Cureylilunds V , . l . . l . . . 5 Ingletirtd Gull-r . . l . . . . l , ‘73 Nurlllnmllerhlnd [shun]. . . , , l 3 5 as 139 Bllrxlin Buy (Netinlnmi, Netltk). . l H 15 lo 4 ‘29 Bowdoln Buy l , . l l l , . do w (IanAL'land. l . l . , . . . V ~21 ‘24 FanGlall'iL-r . . . . . . . . . . ~29 £2 Verhnat'Nnnntak . . . , . . . . 7 7 M'Cormil-t; Bay. . . . . . l . , l n ltl linpc Alexundur & Sutherland Island , ‘2 2 ‘ ‘ 4 runnerjnra l . . l l . l . . . 118 3: 1 7623 ‘ lSI Fug Intel & Bedcvilled Reach l . l . [6 16 llellasl‘lneany . . . . . . . 2:; t tars Mllry Minturn River . . . . . l . a ‘ s lllnlyell»Blly. l l l l , , l . l s s Bowel». Buy & Hannuh Island. l . . 12‘ t 12 Pulurlsnuy, l . . . . . , , . . 2118 lea Lm-kwumt lslulld, , . . l . l , . 4 ‘ 4 Total number or species . , l . . . 3 92137332142 45819627645 623 Adam...“ tn the NAV. Greenland Ham 3 71224; 7 2 9713 217 9 “firms l l

at the value of all the existing illllicatlons: especially as there is another weak point always to be calculated with, Vlz., the imperfect exploration nl most parts. lll the hope of inducing some competent botanist to make

1 rm stun nl llle :lllloricnll collections. which may supply sumo fntnl'e

\vnrkul' all the N. \V. Greenland llora with material less studded with “2’”. 1 \\ill point out where those collections seem to he kept.

The specimens nt KANE, HAYES, BESSELS, BURK and MEEHAN are ltl'ttltflllly all lllCllltlt'll in the collections at the Academy «ll Natural Sci- n-nrv: ul l’llilndt-lpllia: at least it is especially mentionedY that some of lltl‘lll Ill-lung tn that llerhnrinm. The collections of WETnEnlLL were dl-tl-rllliln-d at llnrvul-d University, which probably possesses them. As to wllurr lltl} “private collection" at GREELY is kept, Inln entirely ignor-