Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/23

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is very tinely granulated all nwr, the other not ~u on the glabella. 'l'ugether with these slit-cirneih “e find the remnim at u trilnhite of

luitennnther type \Ve have two fragmentary rentrnt pnl'tiun,~ of the

replmluu. whth umlunlph-dly lie-lung to :m Iltwuurus 5p.l.~ec pt 4. [lg 4| hut it i~ nnl t:(|§.tllle tn Innkeme exuct determination The lltwimrns

tnrnL~ is typical nt the ln\\'e~| nrduvirian in N Ann-rim. Only one

lnrm. I. t/uadmlns ltALL. i~ give-n train the l’ntstluln Group. Other [nrnh belonging to this younger type nf launn include nne Mlfllll fragment at a head of a Lia/ms sp.

Sunni further tlt‘hl‘l'lttl'n the had» thus: — "(In the hip nt this liglit-ruloul'ed limestone with its tus>il nrthn-

. sandstone. alternated

I'vl’lte.» tic less strongly develulred strata nl' quan- with lltttehlunas. and on the top of that again n bed at close-grained hruwn limestone. about 101) feet thick, some of the layers of which are to’

literuns. — 7

The to» s in this case are just as fragmentary as in the under- lying linn-etnnv. Mn<t rnnnunnly we tind gastropndes. preserved as i'asts.

ln Mlltlc pleat» we see \t'l ' frequently a little slender lurm with

numernus mils {see pt, 4. lig, til which rannnl easily he separated from \‘nl'letie: at the rnmnmu Hormotumu yrnrilis ll.\t,i.. which has a very with? \‘i-rtirul extension within the Urdm'iritur Another form. \vhirh the wet-intern helm-e us greatly re~eu|h|e, is that described lay “ALL and \Vnrrt‘u:l.n from the Pngnnip (irnup in Nevada. Fusispiru rnmpactu. As I'Egtll‘tlh other gilstl'tlllttlll“ we lind nne im-nmpleti- \])eritt|en of n Madmen ~p. (see plt 4. fig. St. Some trngments nt' triluliites nlsn nrcur, Great interest will he attached to a quite smulL lmrlly preserved pygidium with hollowed nuter run (pl. 4. tig. 7). It has n Camhrinn rhurncter and presumably hulungs tn :1 liaihgm'isrus nr Plyclmparin forur Although these lew insin remains do not give (my particularly gnnd dntn tor the age at tliiw' lloriznn. yet it suggeds that the limeslnne in rcnlily l3 unly slightly younger than the underlyng limextone rich in nrthnrrritem llnth lJIItt‘S nre presnnmhty tn heelussilied in the lowest

Urdov . In transition hm' . A section of a limestone rnnglnnlerate tuken from a piece collected nhovn the limestone with nrthnceriles at Victoria Head is shown in

pl. IV. tig. It.