Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/419

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Fig. L W 2—4.

Tafel VI.

Produclus ,mdaamzeaous Knu‘mw. Exemplar N 954. Nalmlinh: Grbssu. Productusirginae Sn'cxma. Fight» Venlralklappe. Exemplarmm. Fig,4u, P vun der' ' 41L °' ‘ ' * Exemplnrs. Exemplar N 270. manniqu Grasse.

Producth Humboldfid'Onuva. Ventralklnppe. Exempluer‘Hi. Nann- Iiche Gersu.

Producmsumamm S'n'mnxuflnm Veulralklnppe. ExamplnrNSSS. Nam:-

livhe Grfisae.