Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/470

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.ore than fifteen years have elapsed since the ,,Fram" reached home after her second voyage to the Arctic regions. The large and numerous collections of geological, especially paleontological material, brought together by the skilful and energetic geologist of the expedition, PER SCHEI, have during this time been studied by a number of specialists, among whom the material was distributed, and the result is a series of papers published in the Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the Fram 1898-1902." PER SCHEI before his much regretted early death in 1905 published the most essential results of his studies in some preliminary papers 1 which, although containing only a few pages, form some of the most important contributions ever made to Arctic geology. Any fuller and more detailed treatment, however, of the many important geological pro- blems with which he had met he was not to give, and certainly with his death a great many facts concerning the geological history of Elles- mere Land and adjacent regions were lost. As it may be convenient to have in one place the more important results of the geological contributions to this ,,Report", a summary of them is given in this paper. In the topics where no newer publication has appeared, SCHEI'S statements in his preliminary report will be given, and added to these, such other statements as could be found in his diaries. Finally, P. A. 0YEN of the University of Kristiania has been so kind as to identify the fossils found during the expedition in quaternary deposits above the present sea-level. A number of photographs illustrating typical land- forms, and the glacial geology of Ellesmere Land, are also reproduced. 1 Summary of Geological Results, Geographical Journal XXII, 1903; Preliminary Report on the Geol. Obs. made during the Sec. Norw. Polar Exp. of the ,,Fram", Royal Geogr. Society: Preliminary Account of the Geol Investigation made during the Second Norwegian Polar Expedition in the ,,Fram", Appendix 1 to Sverdmp: ,,New Land" 1904.