Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/479

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10 OI.AF HOLTEDAHL [SEC. ARCT. EXP. FRAM HOLTEDAHL. Pterinea <!' urirnlnitlea HALL. m-nln I? I -|i ]l<>rin<>t<n(i I VI sp. ll'inn<>ti>ni(i I? I -p. Lo.i-i>)ti'tnn /itrlii I l.u i . Uiilii/ii-n -p.

  • Plntiict'rn* ellrxHii'ri.-litndi HOLTEDAHI..

sp. sp.

  • Pl-lH'tllS l<'i,h>rlt<U-lliS HOLTEUAHL.

Ewrhnti'ns sp.

    • Fnutiniiu ilissiniilis Iloi.n.n AMI..

sifnimi'trica HOLTEDAHL. sp.

  • Prhnitin urctica HOLTEDAHL.

Although of Ihese forms only a few are of importance for conclusions as to H^r. il may he said with certainty that the fauna must be consi- dered as contemporary with those described from the Keyser member of the Helderliri- ijroup of Maryland, from the Decker Ferry-Ro ndou t- M a n 1 i us of New Jersey, and the Cobbleskill-Rondout-Manlius of eastern New York. The stratigraphical position of series B is thus to be sought in the very transition zones between Silurian and Devonian. As a whole the fauna cited above may be said to have more of a Silurian than of a Devonian aspect. Above Series B conies Series C, a sequence of marly shales passing upwards into arenaceous deposits. The thickness, as measured in Gaasefjunl. is about 300 m. No fossils have been found here. Still higher comes the richly fossiliferous series D, consisting of 500 m of shales and limestones, near the top of sandstones. Series D a> by SCHEI divided into subdivisions Da Di. Of the fossils collected by him the two most dominant groups, the brachiopods and the corals have been studied in detail, the former by OSCAR ERICH MEYEH, who has published the results of his work in a paper ,,Die devonischen Brarhiopodun von Kllesmereland" (this report No. 29, 1913), the corals bv SHIRAN LOKWK, who has written a paper entitled n Die devonischen Korallen von Kllesmereland" this report No. 30, 19KJ). In the following are cited the list of fossils given in the two papers. Da Xii fo>-ils are with certaintv found here. / Db

  • CycUhophyttutH Nn-rr/rN/u I, m:vi:.

I'll lllil>S(lstl (tdt .'//'/'IN l!ll!IM.i. Favorites /M//T/<o-i/"r HAM.. frinnensia unit, jirtiecursor LOEWK.