Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/481

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OLAF HuI.TKDAHL. [SEC. ARCT. EXP. FRAM I'liim/i.- i Srlteii imv. num. 7'//(///>.va.s7/-.i V' i-iinn'i M. Ki'-.v - HAI.MF. ..]/ siiliorliirnlii i 'IK I.M iini"l'iirn Meii'-i'i .t. ^ I I'lhi/niii'lld tnuttistriata llii. />lii'iniiD/t,i varistriata (.UNRAD. l-i-"'lii<-lfll,i itri'tii-iixtrntd HALL. r,-u,l,-li'll<t xnb<tcnlfitfii Mi KIM. var. l<itir di'iticn. .Itrif/in 1-i-Hcttlnri* I.INM ~ />n l/i'l- Srl/'-ii MINI li. N/// ;//(/ fli'i/nn* >IMN var. y. ////.-, ' /MS I '.I rr. SclI.NL'K. i-incei>s BAKU. Sow ? I fit SCIIM;R. A> to the age and relatiuiiri of these faunas, the following staleinents art- made by the two paleontologists: Db belongs to Lower Heidelberg, probably to the middle of that division. Do must be of a distinctly younger age than Db. though no distinct hori/on can be lixrd. Dtl, De, Df point towards Uppermost Lower Devonian, and lower M id (I le Dev o n ian. Dg is of Middle Devonian age. Dh is. according to LOEWE, to be placed about the boundary of the Middl.'-l'ppcr Devonian. According lo MKYKK Dh as well as Di is of C|i|"'i' Devonian age and point toward Chemung. I'rof. .1. Ki.rii in his |aper: Upper Devonian Fish remains from Klle>- inere Land" (this report no. 33. l!Hf>| has from Dh de>ci ibed a cranial shield of a fish Macropetdlichthys Solicit KI.KH. and concludes as lo the age of the -aid /.one that it >hould most probably be aligned lo the Ira us it ion -I rat a between the Middle and Upper Devonian. It does not -mi likely that -o young a hori/on as ( Ihemung is represented in series D at all. With transitional /.one- carrying sandstone bed- the marine Series 1 1 passes into Sene- I-!, consisting of at least 11 -TOO m. of sandstone, v|i () ~ ( . .--nilial fo--il> are .-cant li-h and plant remains. The loriner ha. bei-n de-cribed by Ki.i:i{ in the paper just mentioned. From the middle part ,,f the -cries are identified the following fossils: