Page:Report of the Second Norwegian Arctic Expedition in the "Fram," 1898-1902 (volume 4).djvu/489

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OLAF HOLTEDAHL [SEC. ARCT. EXP. FRAM Rawson, and Cape Cresswell represent the axes of plication of the north side <>f Greely Fjord'.- 1 What are presumably Mesozoic deposits, as well Tertiary deports (<-.//. at Cape Murchison), are known to exist in the radiii- <>f l-'ielden's ..Cape Kawson beds," e.g. at Cape Baird and Antoi- nette Hay. Is it not possible that tliese are indentical with the Mesozoic -hales and sand-tones which were recognized at Eureka Sound? Hence, from what has been already said, both the Silnro-Devonian series of sedimentary formations which exist in the south-west of Elles- W Sea level E ii.-. '*> Sketch showing faults in the south-eastern part of Skreia Island at the entrance' of Havnefjord. The island consists of Pre-Cambrian igneous rocks and (Camhro-V) Ordovician limestone etc. (see p. 7). From SCIIKI'S diary. mere Land and the Tnassic deposits further north have alike participated in the dislocations. Some of these (should there eventually turn out to J be more than one system) must thus be later than the Triassic epoch. <>n ||H> other hand, the Miocene sand and lignite, which occur east of Cape lilue Man, were laid down in an isoclinal transverse trough, where they -I ill lie horizontally, and are bordered by what are presumably MI--O/HIC sandstones. Indeed, everywhere where Tertiary deposits were noticed in similar positions, they all occupied a horizontal position. Hence r are apparently justified in concluding that the most conspicuous in- Btances of dislocation are later than Triassic, but antecedent to Miocene." Cenozoic. Tertiary deposits were found in several places on the west side of Land, as well as on the cast coast of Heiberg Land (Skaare- fjord.) They consist of very thick, light-coloured sandstones, shales and