Page:Report on public instruction in the lower provinces of the Bengal presidency (1850-51).djvu/75

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of 70 marks, 22 pupils obtain one-half and upwards, the highest being 52. By far the highest numbers have been gained in Translation.

"The third class contains 33 pupils, among whom absenteeism has been rather extensive during the past year. Only 13 pupils obtain one-half marks and upwards, the highest being no more than 47."

The examiners consider the following entitled to prizes:

Second Class.

1. Jadunath Ghose, Mathematics.

2. Dwarkanath Sen, Literature.

Third Class.

1. Chundermadhub Ghose, Mathematics.

2. Kadhicanath Ghose, Literature.

9. The Council of Education resolved to grant certificates of proficiency to those pupils who are next below those who compete for scholarships, and who, under the former system, would have been entitled to prizes in books. The pupils noted below have, in accordance with the result of the examination, become entitled to certificates:

1. Jadunath Ghose.

2. Dwarkanath Sen.

3. Shamlall Paul.

4. Radikanarain Ghose.

5. Chundermadhub Ghose.

6. Gopal Chunder Dutt.

10. Both the senior and junior scholarship competitors as well as candidates for insertion in the hst directed to be forwarded in the resolution of Government, dated 10th October 1844, were this year examined simultaneously at the Town Hall. The number of scholars that presented themselves for competition for scholarships were 66, of which 38 students were for senior and 28 for junior scholarships.

The reports of the examiners, and results are contained in the general report of the Council of Education.

11. The undermentioned two students presented themselves this year as candidates for insertion of their names in the lists directed to be fiiruished by the Council of Education, in accordance with the resolution of Government, dated 10th October 1844, and obtained the number and class marked opposite their respective names:

1. Sreenath Doss, 377·6

First Class

2. Mudhusudan Chatterjee, 290·8