Page:Report on shooting of actress Vanessa Marquez by LA County Dist. Attorney.pdf/13

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leftward, and slightly downward. Five bullet fragments associated with the wound were dispersed in the soft tissues of the bowel. The second gunshot wound was to the posterior right hip. The track of the projectile was slightly leftward and slightly upward. The projectile was recovered in the soft tissues near the left hipbone. The cause of Marquez' death was determined to be complications from the gunshot wounds.

Body Worn Video (BWV) Evidence

Carrillo activated his BWV when he initially contacted Marquez during the welfare check. Perez activated his BWV when he arrived at the location and took his position at the base of the stairs.

Carrillo's BWV footage shows his interaction with Marquez in her bedroom. He is seen and heard reading her admonitions, to which she replies, "I'm not going." As Carrillo continues to calmly converse with her, Marquez puts down a cellular phone she had been holding. She looks to her left and then retrieves an object, which she passes from her left hand to her right hand. The object appears to be a pair of scissors.

Figure 5. Enhanced still frame of Carrillo's BWV showing Marquez hoiding an object in front of her with both hands. As she passes the object between her hands, scissor handles are visible. In the image, the blades of the scissors are depicted pointing forward away from Marquez.