Page:Reports on the State of Education in Bengal (1835 & 1838).djvu/280

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state of education in bengal


Statistics of Education in the District and City of Moorshedabad; in the Districts of Beerbhoom, Burdwan, and Midnapore in Bengal; and in the Districts of South Behar and Tirhoot in Behar.

In this Chapter it will be my object to present a view of the state of instruction in the different localities I have visited. For this purpose, instead of burthening this Report with long and numerous tabular statements which few would read, I have endeavoured to abridge the records that have accumulated on my hands, and to exhibit in a concise narrative form the principal information they contain. I hope in this way to convey a distinct impression of the existing state of native instruction; and the records and the tables which I have prepared or caused to be prepared in the English and native languages may at any time be produced, if required, in support of the conclusions founded on them. Some notice of the origin and progress of the inquiry, of the dates at which the respective localities were visited, and of the plans of investigation adopted, is necessary to show the periods to which the information relates, the advantages or disadvantages under which it was collected, and the extent to which it may be entitled to confidence.

Section I—Progress of the Inquiry

I was originally appointed by Lord William Bentinck’s government to conduct inquiries into the state of native education in Bengal only, and I subsequently received authority from the present Government to extend them into the province of Behar. In Bengal, the districts that have been visited are those of Rajshahi, Moorshedabad, Beerbhoom, and Burdwan; and in Behar, those of South Behar, and Tirhoot.

My appointment by the Governor General in Council is dated 22nd January 1835, placing me under the orders of the General Committee of Public Instruction, whose instructions I received dated 7th March. On the 8th of April I obtained the