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well to thyself. I must on to Weorocomoco, and report to the king. Be assur'd of his favour, if thou prove faithful—but, if false, beware of his anger, for it is terrible.

Barclay. That, Prince, we can only judge of by imagination. No victims having ever surviv'd, so as to be able to speak feelingly on that subject.
Matacoran. Look well to thyself, thou knowest Matacoran, and by this time thou should'st know how to value his friendship and protection; and see, the spear of Matacoran is sharp.
(Exit Matacoran.)
Barclay. Yes, and unsparing as 't is keen. They come, my countrymen come; I will retire, and observe them from a distance.
(Exit Barclay into the hut.)
(Boats arrive with Smith, Percy, Rolfe, West, and Soldiers. Trumpet sounds—Smith draws his sword and leaps ashore. Banner of Smith borne by Percy.—Three Turks' heads on a field; motto—Vincere est Vivere, Accordamus.)
Smith. God save the King! Lieutenant, advance my banner—and now plant it deep, where nor force, nor fraud, shall ever root it out again. This goodly land, which the brave Raleigh nam'd from the virgin Queen, we will possess for her successor, the royal James; whom God preserve, and grant a long and prosperous reign over these fair realms. Welcome, comrades, welcome to Virginia.
Percy. A right fair and goodly land it seemeth, but sadly deficient of inhabitants. We have only seen some fishers in light canoes, which at approach of our barques, and discharge of our ordnance, skimm'd like dolphins o'er the waves, and soon vanished from our sight.
Rolfe. It was surely no savage hand which hung the English pennon from the cliffs. Here seems to be a dwelling, and tho' rude, is yet of better structure than the Indian native wigwam.—What ho! there! within!

(Enter Barclay.)

Barclay. Save ye, noble sirs.
Smith. Thy tongue is English, but the freshness of health so mark'd in the natives of Albion's salubrious isle, is marvellously chang'd in thy complexion, which is as tawney as a Morisco's. How fares the world with thee, comrade! wert thou of Weymouth's or of Grenville's crews?
Barclay. Thou see'st. Sir Cavalier, the solitary remnant of all the English, whom ambition and avarice have sent at various times to settle and to perish in this inhospitable land. Mine is a tale of sorrow.
Smith. Let it be a short one, then; for we have come not to mourn over past misfortunes, but to prevent future ones. To your tale.
Barclay. Soon after the departure of the ships, the colonists, divided amongst themselves, threw off all rule, and instead of fortifying the tower, and cultivating the soil, began to oppress and plunder the natives, who, in return, waylaid and slew them. The wily Powhatan, profiting by our disunions and the weak state to which sickness had reduced us, surpris'd and laid waste the settlement, ere a second harvest had ripen'd for our use. I was alone preserv'd by the influence of the powerful Prince Matacoran, the general and chief counsellor to the King.
Smith. Thy tale is as sombre as thy visage. But come, thy condition shall be mended; thou shalt take service under thine own liege lord, our gracious master. Thou canst materially aid us in our enterprise here, and the reward of thy fidelity shall be lands and privileges in this colony, which, trust me, profiting by the experience of those who have gone before us, we shall know how to conquer, aye, and to hold too; or, if thou would'st rather seek thy guerdon in thy native land, thou shalt be recommended in our despatches to the royal James.
Barclay. My allegiance is due to my rightful sovereign, whom I will well and truly serve. But, Sir Cavalier, I am now old, and my long sojourn from my native land would make me a stranger and friendless there, while I have here much consideration from the grandees of the savage court. My children, altho' the offspring of an aboriginal mother, are dear to me, and so may it please your gracious pleasure, I would prefer to end my days in Virginia.
Smith. Be it so, I understand thee. Be secret and thou wilt be safe. Go gain us what intelligence thou canst.
(Exit Barclay.)
West. I do not much like this renegado.
Smith. By my faith, Master West, but we are of the condition of the host, who