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Bibliographies concerning the individual playwrights are given in the introductions, and except in cases of books of a general nature, the items are not repeated here.


Andrews, Charlton, The Drama To-day. Philadelphia, 1913.
Blake, Charles, An Historical Account of the Providence Stage; being a paper read before the Rhode Island Historical Society, October 25th, 1860. (With Additions.) Providence, 1868.
Broadbent, R. J., A History of Pantomime. London, 1901. "Pantomime in America," pp. 214-216.
Brown, T. A., A History of the New York Stage. From the First Performance in 1732 to 1901. 3 Vols. New York, 1903.
Burton, Richard, The New American Drama. New York, 1913.
Cheney, Sheldon, The New Movement in the Theatre. New York, 1914.
Clapp, W. W., A Record of the Boston Stage. Boston and Cambridge, 1853.
Clark, Barrett H., The British and American Drama of To-day. New. York, 1915.
Cooke, John Esten, The Virginia Comedians or Old Days in the Old Dominion, New York, 1854. [A novel, in which an interesting description of Hallam's Company is given.]
Crawford, M. C., The Romance of the American Theatre. Boston, 1913.
Daly, C. P., First Theater in America. Dunlap Society Publications, Ser. 2, Vol. 1. New York, 1896.
Dickinson, Thomas H., The Case of American Drama. Boston, 1915.
Dunlap, William, History of the American Theatre. New York, 1832. 2 Vols. London, 1833.
Durang, Charles, The Philadelphia Stage. From the year 1749 to the year 1855. Partly compiled from the papers of his father, the late John Durang; with notes by the editors [of the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch.]. Published serially in the Philadelphia Dispatch as follows : First series, 1749-1821, beginning in the issue of May 7, 1854; Second series, 1822-1830, beginning June 29, 1856; Third series, 1830-1—1855, beginning July 8, 1860.
Eaton, W. P., The American Stage of To-day. Boston, 1908.