Page:Researches into the Early History of Mankind and the Development of Civilization.djvu/393

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Abipones, 140, 146, 294, etc.

Adobe, 97.

Æolian flutes, 177.

Africa, Beast-Fables of, 10–2, 365; Stone Age in, 220–3.

Alnajah of Ethiopia, 216.

Alphabets and Syllubaria, 100–3; Finger-alphabet, 17.

America, connexion of its civilization with that of the Old World, 206, 276, 339–71.

American chroniclers, 252.

Andaman Islanders, 160.

Archimedes, his burning mirrors, 249.

Architecture, evidence of progress in, 166.

Ark, 331.

Arrow-heads, stone, 209, 211, 224.

Articulation of deaf mutes, 71–5.

Arts, transmission of, 166, etc., 376.

Aryan race, their use of metal, 213; their fire apparatus, 242, 255.

Astrology, 132.

Aubin, M., on phonetic characters of Mexicans. 94–6.

Australians, 141, 145, 175–7, 201, 265, 282, 289, 373, etc.

Axes, stone, 200.

Bachofen, J. J., on couvade, 298.

Bakalahari, 185.

Baking in hollow trees, ant-hills, pits, 261.

Balsam of Judea, 218.

Bamboo, fire produced from, 238.

Barbecue, 262.

Basques, 301.

Beast-Fables in Europe and Africa, 10–2, 365; Lion and Mouse, 350.

Bee-hunting, Australian and American method of, 177.

Bellows for iron-smelting, 167.

Bewitching, by images, 119–22, 124; by earth-cutting, 119; by names, 124–7; by locks of hair, parings of nails, leavings of food, etc., 127–30; by symbolic charms, 130, 133; by 'wishing,' 134; by the evil eye, 134.

Bible, tales derived from, 337–39.

Bird-trap, rudimentary, 170.

Blast-pump for iron smelting, in East Archipelago and Madagascar, 107–9, 377.

Boats, remains of, on mountains, etc., 329–32.

Boats and rafts, 162.

Boiling, 263–74; with hot stones, 263–7; vessels for, 269–72.

Bolas, 177.

Bone-caves, 197, 321; stone implements of, 197.

Bones burnt for fuel, 183.

Boomerang, 175, 187, 374.

Bread-fruit paste, 179.

Bridge of Dead, 358–63.

Bronze Age in America, 206; in Asia, 207.

Bucaneers, 262.

Bucaning, 262.

Burial in canoes, etc., 362.

Burning-lens, 248.

Burning-mirror, 249–53.

Bushmen, 77, 185.

Calculation by stones, 163.

Calendars of N. A. Indians, 90; of Mexicans, 91, 339.

Caliban, 247.

Celts, stone, 199–202.

Central America, ruined cities of, 182, 206.

Charms, 130, etc.

Cherokees, their syllabarium, 102.

Chinampas, 171.

China, aboriginal tribes of, 208, 300.

Chinese, their clan names, 280; their phonetic writing, 98–100.

Chocolate, 178.

Christy, Mr. H., 13; his exploration of bone-caves of Périgord, 197; finding stone-implements in North Africa, 224.

Churn worked with cord, 242.