Page:Researches on Irritability of Plants.djvu/125

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temperature had reached 60° C. there was an abrupt inversion, and the spasmodic contraction tool»: place at a very rapid rate. The successive dots in the rip-portion of the curve are at intervals of .2 of a. degree. The point of inversion, as we shall see, indicates the death-point, and the curve giving the death-record we shall call the death-curve. It should be remembered that the particular

Fig. 58.—Death-curve of Mimosa. Successive dots in down or expansive part of curve represent rise of temperature of 1° C. Spasmodic contraction causing inversion of curve takes place at 60° C.

electric response characteristic of living condition of the tissue is found to disappear after the tissue had been subjected to the temperature of 60° C.

If the sudden contraction that takes place at 60° C. should prove to be the death-spasm, then this should be the last response given by the plants. If we raise the temperature of the plant short of the dearth-point, say to 45° C., we get a continuous responsive expansion; when cooled the leaf recovers, to a greater or less extent, its