Page:Researches on Irritability of Plants.djvu/66

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course of a second after the shock. The recovery was completed in the course of only 3 minutes.

Response of Neptunia.—In marked contrast with the quick reaction of Biophytum, I may cite the very slow action

Fig. 15.—Record of response of leaflet of Biophytum. Vertical marks below record indicate intervals of ·5 minute.

of the primary leaf of Neptunia oleracea. In fig. 16 is given a record of its response under an exciting induction-shock of moderate intensity. The clock-interrupter was so adjusted that the successive dots should be at intervals of half a

Fig. 16.—Response of leaf of Neptunia. Successive dots are at intervals of ·5 minute in the contractile portion, and 1 minute in the recovery portion of curve.

minute during contraction, and at intervals of a minute during recovery. It will be seen that the maximum fall was attained 3 minutes after stimulation, and the recovery was not completed even after 40 minutes, which