Page:Resolutions and Theses of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International (1922).djvu/48

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Minister for the Swedish bourgeoisie, viz., M. Branting, finds himself at the present time in such a position that, for securing a Parliamentary majority, he cannot be indifferent to the attitude of the Communist fraction. The Executive Committee of the Communist International believes that, under certain conditions, the Communist fraction of the Swedish Parliament cannot refuse its support to the Menshevik ministry of Branting; just in the same way as the German Communists have already quite rightly done in certain of the provincial Governments of Germany (Thuringia and Saxony). This, however, does not mean at all that the Swedish Communists should in any respect infringe their independence or desist from exposing the character of the Menshevik Government. On the contrary, the more power the Mensheviks possess, the greater will be their betrayal of the working class, and consequently the greater the necessity for the Communists to exert themselves in exposing the Mensheviks before the widest masses of the workers. It should also be the duty of the Communist Party to attract the Syndicalist workers to join the fight against the bourgeoisie.


15. In America a beginning has been made in uniting all the Left elements, both of the political and Trade Union movement; this gives the Communists the opportunity of taking a leading part in this process of the unification of the Left to penetrate right into the great masses of the American proletariat. By forming Communist groups everywhere where there are any Communists, American Communists ought to see to it that they take the lead in the movement to unite all revolutionary elements, and should now particularly advocate the watchword of the united working-class front in the fight for the unemployed, etc. The chief accusation against the Gompers Trade Unions should be that these will not join in the formation of a united front of the workers against Capitalism in defence of the unemployed, etc. The special task of the Communist Party nevertheless remains the organisation within its ranks of the best elements of the I.W.W.


16. In Switzerland our Party has succeeded in achieving certain successes on the lines indicated. Thanks to the Communist agitation for a united revolutionary front, the Trade Union bureaucracy has been forced to call a special Trade Union Congress, which is soon to take place. The Communists at this conference will be able to expose before all the workers the lies of reformism, and to weld further together the revolutionary forces of the proletariat.

Other Countries.

17. In a whole series of other countries the question has different aspects depending on the different local conditions.

The Executive Committee of the Communist International,