Page:Resolutions of the Conference of Delegates of the International Working Men's Association (1871).pdf/8

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for the moment have become impracticable in consequence of government interference, the Association, and its local groups, may be reformed under various other names, but all secret societies properly so called are and remain formally excluded.


Resolutions relating to France.

1.—The Conference expresses its firm conviction that all persecutions will only double the energy of the adherents of the International, and that the branches will continue to organize themselves, if not by great centres, at least by workshops and federations of workshops corresponding with each other by their delegates.

2.—Consequently, the conference invites all branches vigorously to persist in the propaganda of our principles in France and to import into their country as many copies as possible of the publications and statutes of the International.


Resolution relating to England.

The Conference invites the General Council to call upon the English branches in London to form a Federal Committee for London which, after its recognition by the provincial branches and affiliated societies, shall be recognised, by the General Council, as the Federal Council for England.


Special votes of the Conference.

1.—The Conference approves of the adjunction of the members of the Paris Commune whom the General Council has added to its number.

2.—The Conference declares that the German working men have done their duty during the Franco-German war.

3.—The conference fraternally thanks the members of the Spanish Federation for the memorandum presented by them on the organisation of the International by which they have once more proved their devotion to our common work.

4.—The General Council shall immediately publish a declaration to the effect that the International Working Men's Association is utterly foreign to the so-called conspiracy of Netschayeff who has fraudulently usurped its name.


Instruction to citizen Outine.

Citizen Outine is invited to publish in the journal l'Egalité a succinct report, from the Russian papers, of the Netschayeff trial. Before publication, his report will be submitted to the General Council.


Convocation of next Congress.

The Conference leaves it to the discretion of the General Council to fix, according to events, the day and place of meeting of the next Congress or Conference.