Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/108

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"Then where were you?"

"Where was I when?"

"Last night. I saw how you came in."

"Then you saw your grandfather meet me."


"Well—" he hesitated.


"Where I was was his business, I should say Mrs. Kincheloe's. What's it of yours, anyway? What did you mean by coming to my room for me? What have you to talk about—out here yourself at this time in the morning?"

She made no response but to move away. He was serving his own purposes, not hers, by delaying her in argument; he walked beside her, talking in an attempt to divert her; failing, he abruptly parted from her, shouting to the dogs to follow him. She summoned them sharply and when they bounded to her, she seized their collars and held them against his repeated shouts. Then Asa approached, and Kincheloe walked rapidly away.

"You want me to stop him?" Asa inquired when he came up.

Ethel shook her head. "Just come with me."

She released the dogs and they stayed near-by while she proceeded with Asa. The Indian asked no questions and offered no comments, contenting himself with answering when she inquired about the chase of the fox the evening before. Yes, Merrill Kincheloe had started out with them; but he did not catch the fox, which Asa had shot. Asa did not know whether Kincheloe had caught another fox or not.

They began to see that the windows of the house, which always before had borne shutters, now exposed