Page:Resurrection Rock (1920).pdf/361

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"All the while a spirit has been beside you; a man; a fine-looking man, middle-aged, with dark hair and brows; strong, blue eyes; looking down, not at you, but beside you on the right. He holds a book in his hand; he holds it up so Doctor Keppel can see. It is the Book of Mormon."

Evidently the Voice was replying to Mrs. Lucas Cullen, Junior. Others in the room took this as answer to her; she so understood it; beyond any doubt, Lucas Cullen at her right thus received it. He stiffened and stared for an instant, somewhat as Jaccard and others had done; then he hunched in his seat and waited.

"He is showing Doctor Keppel an open space outdoors; about it is a big woods. He has cleared away the trees in the space, and he has a little house of boards; new; no paint on it. There is a woman there; very young; he is young too; and very strong. It is long ago. Thirty years ago, Doctor Keppel thinks. No; he shakes his head; it is longer ago than that. It is more than forty years ago; more than that, he says. It is in M. He builds up an M—Mi—Michi—Michi-gan, he says it is. The young woman has a child; a little girl, he says. He kisses both of them. You are there; you come by; you are young, too; tall and very strong. You walk into the shack. He is showing the inside now; it is very plain; no furniture; just a bunk of boards; a table; a bench of boards. On the table is a book; the Book of Mormon; you pick it up; you drop it down and kick it; you kick it out the door. Something happens. Doctor Keppel gets wondering what; it is confused; he cannot see. He feels passion; strong anger; hate. Many men come—"

The "you" described by the Voice no longer was