Page:Revised Codes of the State of North Dakota 1895.pdf/1260

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§§ 6352-6855
Crimes Against

§ 6852. Disturbing religious meeting. Every person who willfully disturbes, interrupts or disquiets any assemblage of people met for religious worship, by any of the acts or things hereinafter enumerated, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

§ 6853. Acts deemed to be, enumerated. The following are the acts deemed to constitute disturbance of a religious meeting:

1. Uttering any profane discourse, committing any rude or indecent act, or making any unnecessary noise, either within the place where such meeting is held or so near it as to disturb the order and solemnity of the meeting.

2. Exposing to sale or gift any ardent or distilled liquors, or keeping open any huckster shop within one mile of the place where any religious society or assembly shall be actually convened for religious worship, and in any other place than such as shall have been duly licensed and in which the person accused shall have actually resided or carried on business.

3. Exhibiting, within the like distance, any shows or plays without a license by the proper authority.

4. Engaging in, or aiding or promoting, within the like distance, any racing of animals or gaming of any description.

5. Obstructing in any manner, without authority of law, within the like distance, the free passage along any highway to the place of such meeting.

§ 6854. Time for prosecution limited. No prosecution for any of the offenses mentioned in this chapter shall be maintained unless commenced within thirty days next after the commission thereof.



§ 6856. Elector. Giving or receiving bribe. Every person, who, by force, threats, bribery or by offering to give or by giving a bribe to any elector, or by any corrupt means whatever, either directly or indirectly, attempts to influence or influences any such elector in giving his vote at any election; or who attempts to deter or deters him from giving his vote at such election, or attempts by any means whatever to awe. restrain, hinder or disturb any elector in the free exercise of the right of suffrage, or defrauds any elector at any such election by deceiving and causing such elector to vote for a different person for any office than he intended or desired to vote for or who, being an inspector, member of the board of election, judge or poll clerk of any election, while acting as such or during the continuance of an election, induces or attempts to induce any elector either by menaces, or reward or promises thereof, to vote differently from what such elector intended or desired to vote, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars and not less than one hundred dollars and by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding one year and not less than three months.