Page:Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina - Volume 1.djvu/42

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this State, until the General Assembly shall establish government agreeable to the mode herein before prescribed.

December the eighteenth, one thousand seven hundred and seventysix, read the third time and ratified in open congress.
R. CASWELL, President.
James Green, Jun., Secretary.

Amendments proposed by a Convention of Delegates of the People of North Carolina on the eleventh of July, 1835, and ratified by the People on the second Monday of November, in the same year.

Whereas the General Assembly of North Carolina, by an act, passed the sixth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirtyfive, entitled "An act concerning a convention to amend the constitution of the State," and by an act, supplemental thereto, passed on the eight day of January, one thousand eight hundred and thirtyfive, did direct that polls should be opened in every election precinct throughout the State, for the purpose of ascertaining whether it was the will of the freemen of North Carolina that there should be a convention of delegates, to consider of certain amendments proposed to be made in the constitution of said State; and did further direct, that if a majority of all the votes polled by the freemen of North Carolina should be in favor of holding such convention, the governor should, by proclamation, announce the fact, and thereupon the freemen aforesaid should elect delegates to meet in convention at the city of Raleigh, on the first Thursday in June, one thousand eight hundred and thirtyfive, to consider of the said amendments: And whereas a majority of the freemen of North Carolina did, by their votes at the polls so opened, declare their will that a convention should be had to consider of the amendments proposed, and the governor did, by proclamation, announce the fact their will had been so declared, and an election for delegates to meet in convention as aforesaid was accordingly had: Now, therefore, we, the delegates of the good people of North Carolina, having assembled in convention, at the city of Raleigh, on the first Thursday in June, one thousand eight hundred and thirtyfive, and having continued in session from day to day, until the eleventh of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirtyfive, for the more deliberate consideration of said amendments, do now submit to the determination