Page:Revised Statutes of the State of North Carolina - Volume 1.djvu/655

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    • Suits not to abate by the death of parties, but may be proceeded on by or against heirs, executors or administrators, 55.
      • not to abate when a term intervenes between the death of a party and the qualification of his executors or administrators, 55.
      • nor while a contest is pending for administration, or for probate of a will, 56.
      • nor by the marriage of a feme sole plaintiff or defendant, 56.
    • Husband made party plaintiff to give new security for the costs, 56.
    • Suit not to abate by death of an executor or administrator, but may be revived by or against the administrator de bonis non or the executor of the executor, 56.
    • Action of ejectment, on the death of defendant, may be revived against his heirs or devisees, 56.
    • When the heir or devisee a minor, court to appoint a guardian, 56.
    • How heirs or devisees out of the State may be made parties, 57.
    • Actions of detinue, trover, or trespass for injuries to property, real or personal, not to abate by death of either party, 57.
    • Appeals not to abate by death of either party, 57.
    • Attachment issued without bond and affidavit filed to be abated on plea of defendant, 71.
    • No attachment to be abated for want of form, 72.
    • Justice's process not to be abated for want of form, 353.
    • Benefit of clergy taken away from accessories before the fact to certain crimes, 203.
    • Accessories to felonies, how punishable in certain cases, 203.
  • ADJUTANT GENERAL. See Militia, Public Arms.
    • Salary of adjutant general, what, and when to be paid, 549.
    • Adjutant general may have blanks, &c. printed for his office at the expense of the State, 491.
  • ADMINISTRATORS. See Executors and Administrators.
    • Advertisements, where to be made in certain cases, 492.
  • ALIMONY. See Divorce and Alimony.
    • General power of the courts to amend before judgment, 58.
    • Adverse party to answer amendments in substance, 58.
    • Formal defects may be amended after judgment, 58.
    • And in returns of officers or subordinate tribunals, 58.
    • Certain defects to be disregarded after verdict, 58.
    • Such defects to be supplied and amended, 59.
    • Amendments not to be made without an order of court, 59.
    • Formal defects to be disregarded on general demurrer, 59.
    • Such defects to be amended, 59.
    • These provisions extend to all actions and proceedings in any court of law, 60, 187.
    • No attachment to be abated for want of form, 72.
    • Justice's process not to be set aside for want of form, 358.