Page:Revolution and Other Essays.djvu/35

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employment, will sell to physician and bacteriologist for experimental purposes all right and title to his body. Address for price, box 3466, Examiner."

"Frank A. Mallin went to the central police station Wednesday night and asked to be locked up on a charge of vagrancy. He said he had been conducting an unsuccessful search for work for so long that he was sure he must be a vagrant. In any event, he was so hungry he must be fed. Police judge Graham sentenced him to ninety days' imprisonment." -- San Francisco Examiner.

In a room at the Soto House, 32 Fourth Street, San Francisco, was found the body of W. G. Robbins. He had turned on the gas. Also was found his diary, from which the following extracts are made:

"March 3. - No chance of getting anything here. What will I do? " March 7. - Cannot find anything yet. "March 8. - Am living on doughnuts at five cents a day. "March 9. - My last quarter gone for room rent. "March 10. - God help me. Have only five cents left. Can get nothing to do. What next? Starvation or -? I have spent my last nickel to-night.